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Kurume kasuri


Kurume kasuri has got over 200years of tradition and uses Ikat techniques; woven with yarns dyed partially to create grazed patterns and images in the fabric. Our kasuri is produced in the only factory left in Yame, Fukuoka, Japan.

Kasuri yarns are dyed in order to make the patterns. A bunch of threads is partially tied up and immerged in colorant. The knots are untied after that to emerge resist-dyed white parts. The partially dyed yarns give unique grazed texture of kasuri.

Weaving machines are old-fashioned so that the have been used over 100years ago. Each thread is carefully set to them not to mistake one by one. This is because the mistake leads to of the patterns. Once they start to work, rythmic sounds of weaving echoes throughout the factory. Each craftman takes charge of 8 machines to check the procedure during weaving. Thus several manual works are required in the procedure.

Kurume kasuri are popular as our standard series.
